It has been an interesting week in the life of Brittany Bly. I went to Utah to babysit my favorite family in the WHOLE entire world. I saw my most amazing old coworkers at ABTC. Saw my sister and my most adorable niece. Was a single mom of four for a week, cried when I said good bye, but realized that, over all, I am so glad that I moved back home. I love Utah. LOVE. And I miss the people I knew there more than I can even express here. I didn't get to see some people, (ie, Jessica Mower, Aunt Debbie) but was so busy with the week that it was honestly a blur. As I come back, with this small update of my thing is consistant. Boys will come and go in my life. I have had crushes and loves and people I thought I could be with...when it all falls through the cracks, a man named Joshua Jackson is always there to pick up the pieces. If there are any of you out there who know me at all, you know that I have many obssessions that also come and go in my life.
The Office
and so on and so love for Joshua has lasted through all of these things...and started when I was very young...Probably around 9 or a little movie called...The Mighty Ducks
Followed quickly by D2...
and I can't mention the other 2 without mentioning the 3rd.
I took a bit of a haitus until Dawson's Creek, which I did not watch much, until recently (thankyou Christine Hill and Amanda Isbell for this newfound love of Pacey Witter, ugly shirts and all.
best scene ever...
after this one...
I love him....
Then...there came The Skulls
Lonestar state of mind...
One Week...was also a great one...
And my most recent obsession
FRINGE!!! are some awesomes...just for giggles....
reading pacey fan fiction and comic con...(can't link the video..but trust's hilarious...) end this ridiculous post with an even MORE ridiculously obvious statement...I love the guy...and that is that...
I have a confession. And to tell you all the truth, it really isn't all that surprising to anyone who knows me. I have become re-obssessed with the Harry Potter series. And when I say re-obsessed...I mean RE-OBSSESSED....Along with this ridiculous obssession comes a ridiculous tendency to fit situations that happen into situations into Harry Potter. Some may call this crazy...I call it normal. It is horrible...or wonderful...however you may choose to look at it. Here is a list of things that happen throughout a typical day that I often think...if I were a witch...this would be SOOOO much easier to deal with.
* I think: If I could apparate...I would never be late again.
2. Forgetting my lunch at home.
*A normal person would think: I could just go to Kwik Trip and pick up some food
* I think: If I had a house elf, I could just summon him and he would bring me food.
3. When a kid tries to bite me at work
* A normal person would think: MOVE AWAY DEMON CHILD!
* I think: STUPEFY!!
4. I have really dry skin, right?
Normal people would say: my skin is dry, I should put some lotion on it.
*I told a kid at school: "It looks like I have scale rot." To which he replied..."what is scale rot?" I said..."<sigh> never mind"....and he goes..."Is that from Harry Potter?" and I say, "......yes"
On Harry Potter wiki, it says this:
"The symptoms of scale rot were scales taking on a dull, flakey appearance and falling off in large amounts.[1] If left untreated in salamanders it could become severe enough that the tail would detach from the body.[2]
For dragons, the treatment was to rub the affected area with a solution of salt water, tar and white spirit.[1] The treatment for salamanders was to repeatedly rub the affected area with chilli powder.[2]
I think: Is this the muggle entrance to the Ministry of Magic, or St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries?
6. Litter on the ground.
Normal person would think: I should clean that up and recycle it, or throw it away.
I might be someone's portkey to another location...better not move it.
anyone else have any other instances? feel free to add below
here's what pinterest has to offer my addiction:
(I want this...BAD)
I think to myself...would it really be all that weird if I were to keep up all my decorations from my Harry Potter party? the answer, of no! I still have up the "Three Broomsticks" in the entrance to my house.
I still have the Harry potter trunk upstairs..still filled with harry potter robes and books and potions. (Although, it is no longer open.)
I have finally cleaned up all of the Halloween decorations...but to tell you the truth...I am one dorky nerd. Here are some more pictures from the night.
Bellatrix and Ron have a "special" sort of friendship...
The Great Hall
<sigh> someone's excited to go to Hogwarts...
I told you all in an earlier post why my dogs would not survive the apocalypes (Post-apocalyptic survival guide )...Here is further proof.
Dobby and Fluffy
A better look at the great hall feast!
Umbridge and Bellatrix are the most hard core people I know
Hermione getting "drunk" off of butterbeer.
Harry, Hermione and Ron...just goin' to Hogwarts...
The best part of this picture is that was not really a posed picture...I really was looking at him that way...
Hermione and Ron are now friends with Bellatrix
All I have to say is...Laural is AMAZING...she is an up-and-coming custom costume designer...jsyk...
The whole group...
Ps...thanks to Laural for letting me steal these off of facebook. Also...thanks to Laural for most of the hand crafted decorations. It was a great party. The problem is...the birthday angle was just a good excuse for us all to dress up as Harry Potter characters. I guess we celebrated Brandon and my birthdays as a side note.
and to end this lovely long late night post...
and...nobody cry...But I just lost it on this one...